When you go to work, you have the right to do your job in an environment that is safe and respectful. You should not have to face threats of physical harm, emotional duress or other negative treatment of a sexual nature. Unfortunately, West Virginia employees sometimes find that they experience different types of sexual harassment while they are at work. This is unacceptable, and victims do not have to remain silent.
If you are the victim of sexual harassment in your place of work, there are legal options available to you. Instead of remaining silent, you can take steps that will allow you to confront the situation and hold responsible parties accountable. By taking action, you can make the harassment stop, protect others from experiencing the same thing in the future and seek rightful compensation for different types of damages.
How to know if you are a victim
It is not always easy to determine if you might be the victim of sexual harassment or inappropriate or annoying jokes. The following facts may help you understand more about this problem and help you determine if you are a victim:
- While women are the most common victims of sexual harassment in the workplace, men can also be victims.
- Sexual harassment does not always involve unwanted physical contact. It can also include verbal and emotional harassment.
- As the victim of workplace harassment, you may benefit from notifying your human resources department and documenting what you are experiencing.
- Sexual harassment can include mockery, aggressive behaviors, threats of physical contact, unwanted touching and offers of benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
Harassment could come from your supervisor, manager or the company owner, but it could also come from a co-worker or third party you come into contact with as a result of your job. If you think you could be a victim of sexual harassment, there is no time to lose in taking steps to protect your interests.
You don’t have to fight alone
If you are the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, you do not have to remain silent. It could be in your interests to seek insight regarding the legal options that could be available to you. You may have grounds to pursue a claim against your employer, a step that would provide you the opportunity to fight for justice and seek the best possible outcome to your case.