Our Attorneys Will Fight To Protect Your Rights

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We Stand Up For Victims Of Sexual Harassment In West Virginia

Have you been subjected to sexual harassment at work?

At Bouchillon Crossan & Colburn, attorney Amy Crossan and our legal team are committed to protecting the rights of those who have suffered due to sexual advances, crude jokes, touching and other illegal and despicable behavior.

There is no need for you to tolerate a work environment that is hostile and fills your life with despair. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, especially by coworkers and management. Don’t let them get away with repulsive conduct that is illegal and makes you feel like less of a person than you are.

We Can Help You Reclaim Your Dignity And Respect

At Bouchillon Crossan & Colburn, we have extensive experience representing clients with sexual harassment claims in Huntington and throughout West Virginia. We have handled a broad range of harassment claims, including complex cases involving sexual harassment against female law enforcement officers and multi-plaintiff claims.

Our employment lawyer, Amy Crossan, understands the profoundly stressful impact of experiencing this kind of mistreatment. With more than two decades of experience representing victims of sexual harassment in West Virginia, she can protect you in speaking up and standing up for your rights.

Learn more about attorney Amy Crossan.

Sexual Harassment Can Take Many Forms

Harassment can take the form of physical contact, visual images, email transmissions, general derogatory statements or unwanted romantic overtures. Responsible parties can include coworkers, supervisors and the company itself.

Men Can Be Victims Of Sexual Harassment, Too

And although women are most commonly targeted, men can be victims of sexual harassment as well. Amy Crossan and the legal team at Bouchillon Crossan & Colburn advocate for everyone’s right to work in a professional environment free from harassment.

Frequently Asked Questions Asked About Sexual Harassment

At Bouchillon Crossan & Colburn, we understand that people who are experiencing on-the-job harassment have many questions and concerns. Here are some of the most common questions we get from our clients:

How Do I Know If I’m Experiencing Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is a broad term, and it encompasses a wide range of behavior. You may be experiencing sexual harassment if you’re facing a pattern of:

  • Unwanted touching or sexual advances
  • Inappropriate jokes
  • Uncomfortable comments
  • Unwelcome comments on your appearance
  • Sexually explicit materials such as posters or calendars

This kind of treatment creates a hostile work environment, which is grounds for a sexual harassment claim.

Another type of harassment is quid pro quo – that is, requests or pressure for sexual favors in exchange for a work-related benefit.

Can I get fired for reporting harassment?

This is a common concern, and it’s a big reason why many people who have suffered harassment in the workplace silently suffer through it.

Both state and federal law make it illegal for employers to retaliate against employees for reporting sexual harassment. Even if the sexual harassment claim isn’t successful, you can’t lose your job, face a demotion or be subjected to other unfavorable treatment for raising a claim.

What can I expect if my claim is successful?

You can get compensation for the many ways the harassment has impacted your life, including:

  • Pay for work you missed, including back pay if you quit or were fired
  • Compensation for missed opportunities like promotions
  • Reimbursement for any medical or therapy expenses related to the harassment
  • Job reinstatement if you lost your job and wish to return
  • Other harassment-related expenses

Additionally, you may be able to get punitive damages (additional compensation) as a penalty against your employer, which also helps deter other employers from allowing or overlooking harassment.

What is the difference between a hostile work environment and quid pro quo sexual harassment?

A hostile work environment is created when there are repeated violations. For instance, maybe a worker is subjected to daily “jokes” about their appearance or sexual orientation, making the entire workplace feel hostile to them.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment, on the other hand, involves an exchange. For example, an employee may be told that they’ll get a raise if they agree to provide sexual favors for their boss.

What steps should I take if I’m a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace?

Document everything. Keep screenshots of text messages, pictures or social media messages. Keep a journal of offenses with as much detail as possible. This way, when you seek legal assistance with a sexual harassment lawsuit, you already have the evidence you need.

Why is it important to report sexual harassment internally first?

Businesses have sexual conduct policies and owners should know that harassment is illegal. Often, an internal report can put an end to the behavior. Additionally, it gives you a paper trail showing that you tried to make a report if the behavior continues.

What if my supervisor is the harasser or I don’t feel safe reporting to him or her?

There are cases where you may fear retaliation or feel like you can’t report to anyone based on who is involved with the harassment. If so, rest assured that you still have legal options to explore. Reach out to our law firm to discuss the specific circumstances you are facing.

Can I request confidentiality when reporting sexual harassment at work?

Yes, you can. However, this can get complicated. If you make the report and then your employer investigates it, including doing interviews with the other party, it may become clear who made that report. Your employer should not simply tell all of the other employees about your report, however. Efforts should be made to keep it as confidential as possible.

Talk To An Experienced Sexual Harassment Lawyer In Huntington

We understand it can be daunting to speak up and assert your rights, especially when you work for a large corporation and rely on your paycheck. Rest assured, you can meet with employment law attorney Amy Crossan to discuss your case in a free and confidential consultation.

You don’t have to make any important decisions before you are ready. We can provide you with the guidance you need to make the right decisions at this critical time whether you are located in Charleston, Huntington or elsewhere in West Virginia.

Contact our law offices online or by telephone at 304-521-4636 to learn more.