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West Virginia to Increase Minimum Wage in 2016

On Behalf of | Apr 2, 2016 | Insurance Law

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Beginning January 1, 2016, West Virginia’s minimum wage will go up.

The new minimum wage is $8.75, up from $8 an hour. The increase was included in a bill passed in 2014 that initially raised the minimum wage from $7.25 to $8 an hour in 2015. The Federal minimum wage is just $7.25 an hour. Some counties and municipalities are worried about having to come up with additional funds to pay workers two years in a row.

In order for minimum wage rules to apply, an employer must have at lease six nonexempt workers employed at one location, or they must engage in interstate commerce. Your employer doesn’t get to pick which minimum wage to pay; they must follow whichever wage is more generous. If your employer has violated the new minimum wage rules, you may be entitled to back pay, which is pay you’ve missed out on since the change went into effect n January 1.

To find out if your workplace is affected by the change, ask your HR department or manager. A change in wages may affect how you withhold taxes, so ask your tax professional how this impacts your filings for next year.

West Virginia is one of 13 states raising its minimum wage this year.

If you have been the target of workplace harassment, discrimination or unfair termination, Bouchillon, Crossan & Colburn, L.C. represents clients in federal court and before the EEOC, MSPB and in state and union grievance hearings.

Our attorneys have more than 40 years dedicated to giving clients the attention, advice, support and empowerment they need to effectively meet their goals. We are committed to the principle that all persons shall have equal justice under the law. Call Bouchillon, Crossan & Colburn, L.C. at 304-523-8451 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.
