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What Happens if You’re Injured While Being Driven by an Uber Driver?

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2016 | Personal Injury

The popular rideshare service, Uber, and others like it have raised a number of legal questions surrounding the social economy, from workplace and employee questions to questions about liability in the case of accidents.

If you’re injured while in a ride-for-hire vehicle driven by an Uber of Lyft driver, you should proceed the same way you would if you were riding with a friend or coworker and you were injured. First, collect the insurance information from the driver. Then, consult with a personal injury attorney, who can help you negotiate with the driver’s insurance company.

Uber and Lyft drivers are not insured by those companies, who insist they are not employers but a service that connects drivers with passengers instead. In addition, some insurance companies have said they will not cover drivers who are working as “ride-for-hire” drivers. Which means that if your driver gets into an accident and it’s up to their insurance to pay, either because it’s in a no-fault state or because they were at fault, they may refuse to cover your injuries as the fare. Uber or Lyft would then content they are not liable because they are not technically employers.

Some Uber drivers have filed lawsuits contending that they are actually employee and not independent contractors, but until those cases are decided, you may need help from a personal injury attorney to get compensation for your injuries.

At Bouchillon, Crossan & Colburn, L.C., our attorneys have more than 40 years dedicated to giving clients the attention, advice, support and empowerment they need to effectively meet their goals. We are committed to the principle that all persons shall have equal justice under the law. If you or a loved one has been injured and is seeking a qualified personal injury attorney, contact our Huntington, West Virginia office to speak with an attorney about your case, or call 304-521-4636.
