DuPont has been found liable for a woman’s kidney cancer after a toxic chemical used to make Teflon found its way into West Virginia tap water.
The chemical, called C-8, began leaking into the tap water as early as 1984, even though internal tests as early as 1981 showed that the chemical could stay in the blood and cause birth defects. DuPont learned of the leaks after asking employees who lived near the Ohio river to bring them samples of their tap water. The water was found to be contaminated with the chemical, but DuPont failed to report that to the EPA, which earned them a $16.5 million penalty in 2005.
DuPont attorneys argued that the chemical wasn’t harmful and that there were no laws restricting it’s use and it wasn’t on any of the EPA lists of drinking water contaminants. This, despite the fact that in 1992, DuPont instructed employees not to give blood because their blood was contaminated with the chemical.
Currently, there are 3,500 other plaintiffs from other individuals who claim they got sick or a family member got sick and died due to C-8. This is the first such case to be decided regarding C-8. Another case is set to go to trial before the end of the year. Any damages in the case will not be paid out by DuPont but Chemours, which was spun off from DuPont in July and has agreed to take on Telfon-related legal obligations since it now produces the coating.
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