Standing Up For The Rights Of Female Law Enforcement Officers Who Have Been Sexually Harassed
In an industry historically dominated by males, women must overcome many obstacles to succeed in law enforcement. One obstacle they should never have to overcome is sexual harassment. Sadly, however, many female police officers throughout West Virginia have had to contend with sexual advances, off-color jokes and other elements of a hostile work environment. This is still a male dominated field, and some men just do not get that women do not want to work in good old boys locker room environment.
Sexual harassment is a poisonous influence in any career, making workdays painful and humiliating, impacting performance and sometimes driving victims out of their jobs altogether. In the world of law enforcement, sexual harassment can prove dangerous. Police officers, more than perhaps any occupation, must work together, trust each other and operate in an environment free from unnecessary distractions. Sexual harassment impedes cooperation, erodes trust and creates untold distractions.
Bouchillon, Crossan & Colburn, L.C., has taken a leading role in uncovering sexual harassment in the world of law enforcement and holding responsible parties accountable. Attorney Amy Crossan and our legal team are passionate advocates for female police officers and anyone who has suffered due to sexual harassment in West Virginia.
Talk To A Lawyer Who Understands Your Plight
If you work in law enforcement and have been subjected to sexual harassment or any form of gender discrimination, we are here to hear your story and help you explore your rights and options. We understand that it takes courage to come forward with such a claim.
When you are ready to discuss your legal issue, we will be here to meet with you in a free and confidential consultation. You can reach us online or by telephone at 304-521-4636.