When an employment relationship ends badly, sometimes you can just walk away and try to forget about it. But sometimes you can't afford to just walk away.For many employment disputes, the best way to get the money you are owed is to take the matter to court. But what...
Our Attorneys Will Fight To Protect Your Rights
Year: 2014
Can I Sue if My Child is Injured at School?
As parents, we expect our children to be safe and protected from harm while they're at school. When your child gets injured at school, you may feel let down by the staff, angry, and hurt. But is the school liable for your child's injuries?When your children are at...
Is Favoritism in the Workplace Discrimination?
The idea of working your way to the top is a big part of the American Dream. The idea is that no matter where you start, with hard work and a little pluck, you too can get that corner office someday. However, things don't always work out that way. Especially...
What Happens if you Spot Your Employer Doing Something Illegal?
Most of the time, the boss is keeping an eye on the employees. But what happens when an employee sees something amiss? An employee who reports illegal activity at work may be protected in the long run, but that won't save your job immediately.First, you need to be...
Am I Allowed to See my Personnel File?
You may remember being threatened with misdeeds going on your "permanent record" when you were in grade school. The permanent record wasn't something you ever saw, but it carried an indescribable heavy importance and the threat to your future was clear.When you're an...
Timeline of a Personal Injury Case
It may be intimidating to schedule a consultation with an attorney if you've never been involved in a court case. When you meet with an attorney regarding a personal injury case, it doesn't mean you will have to appear in court. In fact, it's likely that you will...
Common Types of Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice comes in many forms. It can happen because of something a doctor did to you or didn't do to you. It can be because of something a doctor said or something they didn't say. That doesn't mean that everything a doctor does is potential for a...
Can I Be Filmed at Work?
Many retail stores and distribution companies have surveillance systems to provide security for merchandise and inventory and to protect against theft. But what happens when those cameras are trained on employees to make sure they are on task and on schedule?A 2005...
Can You Sue for Malpractice After Being Injured by a Cruise Ship Doctor?
Cruise ships are like cities on the sea-cities that are not beholden to traditional U.S. laws. Cruise ships operate under maritime law, and this fact has enabled major cruise lines to avoid medical malpractice lawsuits when vacationers receive poor medical treatment...
Can my Employer Keep Me from Collecting Unemployment?
If you are laid off from a job and your previous earnings qualified you for unemployment benefits, most of the time it's simply a matter of filing a few forms and showing proof of your identity before you begin receiving unemployment benefits to help tide you over...